Bleach created by Tite Kubo has long been considered one of the finest manga series of all time. If you're looking for a fantastic action manga, a deep delve into the paranormal, or just a cast of lively characters, Bleach is then the manga for you. The series was part of "The Big Three,” but once it ended there was nothing else, until now. This one-shot appears to signal newfound hope for the series's future. Judging from the title of this new manga, and with much speculation found throughout the internet. It is almost certain this is the start of a new arc for the manga series.
Ichigo and his friends are back in the latest one-shot manga, released on August 9, 2021. While at a friend's cafe, Renji invites Ichigo to a special event, the Soul Society is holding. This special event is an ancient ritual called Konso Retai, where they slaughter Hollows at a specified place in honor of the fallen Soul Reaper Captain. However, Ichigo and the rest of the Soul Reapers, learn there is more to this ritual than what it seems, as an old forgotten enemy appears.
Since the end of the original manga, many fans wonder what happens to their favorite characters. This new Bleach one-shot manga does an excellent job of balancing out between new and old characters. Fans will be please to find many of the side characters one may not expect to see, are here as well, including Ikkaku Madarame, Yumichika Ayasegawa, Rangiku Mastsumoto, and many more. No Breaths From Hell one-shot is a fun way to catch up with old characters.
No Breaths From Hell is very much Bleach-like in all aspects. The popular manga is known for its great character designs featuring sleek, cool, and powerful designs which is here in the new one-shot. However, some character designs were silly and over-the-top. The artwork is also classic Bleach. The one shot continues the manga’s unique flair and shows Kubo’s passion for art behind each panel. The panel flows well into each other, causing the action throughout the manga to communicate well.
This one-shot special introduces Hell as a canon idea, as opposed to the Hell Verse film, and reintroduces a long-forgotten enemy. While the themes presented in this chapter is great, the character they picked to return is somewhat forgettable in the context of the arc in which he occurred. Nonetheless, the arrival of such a figure was both unexpected and exciting because of the implications.
No Breaths From Hell was a nice comeback to Bleach. It includes catch-ups with a huge cast of people and explores themes that are far too big for a single episode. With this brief return to Bleach, I was pleased with what I saw, and I'm interested to see whether a new arc emerges from this one-shot.